Giving thanks makes us happy
Giving thanks makes us happy
Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is near. The holiday season is usually very happy, but sometimes it also brings with it moments of anxiety or sadness, perhaps when we miss…
A stillness in time
A stillness in time
I don’t know how the place beyond my wall came to be. Frankly, I’m not sure what it is. I stumbled upon it one day while tidying my…
Reaching God
Reaching God
It is always said “you have to reach rock bottom” to get better. A few days ago I heard we do not reach rock bottom but rather “…
Healing our roots
Healing our roots
Who we are, where we came from and how we were raised make up our roots. These are irrevocable, but they should not determine who we are or who we…
The Rare Art of Listening
The Rare Art of Listening
In a bakery, all the sugary delicacies are placed so we can appreciate them through a display but who is content to just look? We want to try them, and…
The Paschal Mystery: A new joyful life
The Paschal Mystery: A new joyful life
I am a joyful priest. I mostly have a smile on my face. Why? Because I am loved by God! Because I am loved by God, I joyfully live the…
Helping kids after a natural disaster
The hurricane season is approaching and once again our city is vulnerable to natural disasters. We know that overcoming a natural disaster is difficult for anyone, however we must bear…
You are more than married: You are the best sign of God’s love.
It is my experience that when spouses are in good relationship with each other, the children take care of themselves and you have a healthy family. Not perfect of course…
Literary Cafe
An unexpected encounter (4ª part, final)
The days passed and Flo saw nothing of Theo. He remained in his room reading the same books while Flo sat at the library waiting for the odd man to…
The Faith in our Home
It is said that children do not bring a book of instructions on how to educate them. However, we always try to do our best effort so they grow up…