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The Faith in our Home

The Faith in our Home

It is said that children do not bring a book of instructions on how to educate them. However, we always try to do our best effort so they grow up…

Lent: Transformation time

Lent: Transformation time

Lent is a precious time of preparation for Easter that begins with Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. We must keep this in mind so we can make this…

Connected without connection

I remember arriving from school knowing that my mother would be waiting for me and my brothers at home. Shortly, we would sit down at the table to eat and…

The Poorest among Us

The Poorest among Us

Recently I watched a video of Mother Teresa, projected during mass due to her canonization. It was a speech in which the now holy Mother Teresa asked us to pay…

Defend joy

Defend joy

The poet Mario Benedetti wrote: “Defend joy as a trench … defend joy as a principle … defend joy as a flag … defend joy as a destiny &#8230…